Update: Brooklyn she is doing ok she is getting 1.9 ml of milk and hour she weighs 2 lbs 1 oz but most of that is water weight she has high blood pressure in her lungs that they are monitoring of her ventilator settings go up then they have to do something about it which at this time i don't know what that is! Update: Emma she is also doing ok she is not getting any milk at this time she had another bloody stool diaper this morning and has no air in her intestine she is getting antibiotics for the no air in her intestine and the bloody stool other wise she is still doing good on her ventilator and she still weighs 1 lb 5 oz Update: Me I am doing ok I still hurt from my c section and I'm trying to be as strong as I can for the babies and arya but honestly I'm not doing ok at all but no one has to worrie about me I'll be fine but thank you everyone who is praying for my family! what items to wear for tall maids of honor