TAKEN from "The Saint Croix Courier" (St. Stephen, NB) - 25 September 1941: St. George, Sept. 22 - A quiet, pretty wedding was solemnized in St. George's Roman Catholic church Monday morning, Sept. 15, at nine o'clock when Beatrice Miriam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Faloon, became the bride of Corporal T. James Donnelly of the R.C.A.F., Pennfield, son of Mrs. T.J. Donnelly and the late Mrs. Donnelly of Montreal. Rev. Father H.L. Coughlan performed the ceremony. sister of groom dresses
The bride was gowned in a dress of Queen's blue rayon pebble crepe and hat, with navy accessories, and wore a corsage of pink gladioli. She was attended by her sister, Miss Helen Faloon, who wore a dress of navy sheer with corresponding accessories and a red corsage of gladioli.
The groom was supported by Aircraftman Neil Durant of the R.C.A.F. Lonhengrin's wedding march was played by the church organist, E.J. O'Neill.
After the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's parents for intimate friends of the bride and groom and relatives.
The following day the happy couple left for a brief visit to the groom's home in Montreal.