I've been watching all of the "smart people" talk about this in the Sunday shows and they are handing out all of the same canned talking points they always spew when a white guy kills a black guy. They talk about fear, they talk about hate, they talk about institutional racism and white privilege. But the one thing they are NOT talking about is how something like this was predictable and, for whatever reason, a desired outcome of those on the left. Now, there are always going to be people who have an irrational hatred of people of different races I.e. the KKK (democrats by the way) but they are no more representative of the majority right leaning folks of this country than the radical abortion on demand up to the day of delivery are to average democrats.
But over the past several months, the left in this country, through radical elements in their party like black lives matter have been thumping their chests and repeatedly poking, prodding and shoving a rather large but typically silent segment of society by going state to state and town to town through every state in the South like Sherman with a scorched earth policy toward southern culture and history. White power nut jobs aside, one had only to read the stories and comments pertaining to the removal, destruction and, some would say, desecration of statues, memorials and myriad other items of historical significance that in truth were not hurting anyone (especially the professional protesters who descend on these sights like Mosiac locusts from sometimes thousands of miles away.)
There has been a palpable growth of frustration into agitation and quite often anger in the comments of the people who are being disenfranchised from their family history and run over rough shod by soundbite politicians and well funded militant activists whose true agenda has little, if anything, to do with historical figures from 1863. You just can't march into someone's home, start calling them racist, bigot, xenophobic, uneducated hate mongers because they have a tin type of great great grandpa Bill dressed in his confederate regalia hanging on the wall and demand it be removed. YOU WILL START A FIGHT and those at the top of this ideological food chain are all too aware of this. None of these things happen in a vaccume, and those who see themselves as the brokers of social engineering writ large will gladly break some eggs to make their Fabian omlet. But that's just me. black party dresses