Tip number 2.
Water. Water. Water.
Whether you are trying to lose weight or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, drinking plenty of water is essential. If you are a person who doesn't necessarily "like" water, all I can say is, learn to like it. Find a good combination of fruits/herbs to infuse your water with to make it more exciting to drink. Combinations such as: orange/kiwi, blueberry/lime, lemon/cucumber, and raspberry/mint are both delicious and full of health benefits! UcenterDress white prom party wear of lace ...
In general, you should be drinking 4 cups of water for every 50 pounds of body weight, according to Clemson Cooperative Extension. So a person weighing 175 pounds would need 14 cups. In case you've forgotten, 1 cup=8oz. You should be drinking no less than 8 cups=64oz. of water daily.
I typically drink around a gallon of water a day, give or take 16oz. That is about 128oz. of water.
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